Thursday, January 27, 2005

MacGyver DVD now available.

It took long enough, finally Mac is available in DVD form. Now, I can cancel my subscription to TVLAND.

Here's the link to Amazon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My MacGyver Book, Pt. II

Needing illustrations, I crashed the wedding of an old friend and demanded that she illustrate the book, something she had never done before. So slowly but surely, she'd send me graphics and I'd complain and she'd send me more until finally, the book was illustrated. And I was like, I better actually finish writing it, or else these graphics are going to be useless. So I did.

Tired of the agent route, I decided to get a publisher myself. Agents, by the way, and I've had very good ones, pretty much just mail out a copy of your proposal to editors that they know at the big publishing houses(all five of them). That's where the money is. Agents don't bother with the small presses. I managed to get a small publisher, Argonne Hotel Press, to take the book on. Now I am just waiting for the book to get published...

Monday, January 24, 2005

My MacGyver Book

So about three years ago my agent told me to come up with a good idea for a book in the vein of the Worst Case Scenario Guide. It happened to be around Thanksgiving so I went to my parent's house in Illinois and did what any good child would do, hid away in the den with its giant TV and Satellite TV. But it was the Tivo that got me. My dad had recorded nearly every MacGyver episode on Tivo. Suddenly, it clicked. I'd write a book about how MacGyver did his cool tricks. I mean, it's not like I could sit there and enjoy the show's incredibly bad dialogue.

So I pitched the book to my agent and he gave me the go ahead. And I started working on it. Then the agent dropped me because the travel book he had signed me for wasn't selling. Check out if you're curious about it. The next agent I got, didn't go for the MacGyver book so I put it in a drawer half-written. Then I went to Brazil, for awhile, and some other places too. That took about a year. During that time, the new agent had dropped me, and somehow it didn't faze me as I was sitting on Copacabana Beach sipping from a coconut at the time.

Anyway, I got back to the States, tanned and deeply in debt, and found the dusty MacGyver manuscript. I read it and thought this is pretty good, if it just had illustrations...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My handle

It's come to my attention that my handle, Mac Guy, might lead people to believe that I am a proponent of Apple Computers. Nope. I wish I could afford one of those shiny Mac laptops with the widescreen. But I'm poor, so instead I have an old Pentium 2 (yeah I said Pentium 2) IBM laptop with a flickering screen. But I could become a Macintosh Guy, I really, really could...are you listening Steve Jobs? Mac Guy for sale. Price: one brand new Mac laptop with a widescreen.

Widescreen. Because doncha hate when you have to scroll over to see all of your porn collection?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

If MacGyver was an Electrical Engineer..

There's now a site devoted to making cool DIY electronics gear. My favorite is the Altoid Tin MP3 player. Of course, I didn't actually make it or anything. Please, I have an Archos 20gig jukebox--that's right not an Ipod. Not an Ipod. There are other MP3 players out there people.

Anyway, the site is Very cool if you went to MIT. But then again if you went to MIT, anything would be cool to you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

MacGyver Projects

Check out Readymade Magazine ( They have a monthly column devoted to cool things you can make with household objects. They named it after some TV superspy, I can't remember which one...

Friday, January 07, 2005


If you're reading this you clearly have an unhealthy fixation with a certain Angus MacGyver. Well, I can't promise to clothe or feed you, but I can try and give you an occasional Mac hit. News about MacGyver is hard to come by, the promises of the WB's Young MacGyver series faded a couple years ago. Now it's just those kids doing the Virtual MacGyver series over at They are already finished with the Ninth season. One wonders if Mac ever discovered the Internet. I couldn't tell you, I can't stand fan fiction. But hey, I haven't read Harry Potter yet either, so who knows what I'm missing.